The city is the center of different localities with village based on size , population density or legal status. Denpasar as a capital of bali province having growth rate is very fast , both in terms of economic , social and development. This boosted the community desire to seek work in denpasar semakiin many. As a place of central province government , corridor road area supreme cok tresna having the character of a very unique and interesting to be researched , particularly on drafting of elements. Research method used in the research is data collection method , data analysis methods , and methods penyimpulan. The condition of center area corridor province government experienced pergesaran bali than originally only as the administrative center of the province of bali , now mingled with trade and services. Structuring and preservation dilakuan area need to embody the area of the quality of the administrative center of the province of Bali.Key Word : Corridor, Architecture, CityReferences
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