• IGN Tri Adiputra Fakultas Teknik Universitas Dwijendra


As a human being, non main citizens of desa adat Pengotan don’t have a right of traditional dwelling place and land, so for fulfilling their own life need, they built some houses in accordance with their schemate at arround Bali, such as at Bangli, Badung, Tabanan and Gianyar regency. But as a non architect, they surely produce a vernacular architecture with some characteristics that we could find out at their new temporary settlment place according their schemate. In this case, There are three posibilities of the form and spatial system of their dwelling place, such as (i) a continuity item, (ii) changing item and (iii) something new of the form and spatial system          The study uses a synchronic approach where some purposive samples  are selected at some regional areas arround Bali Provinsi. It basically understands  the variant context as an indicator of change at a definited time range. It’s done by compered the biginning phenomenon (at desa adat Pengotan) to the available variant trend form at different place (other regency in Bali). From available variants, we can find out what form and spatial system are changing, still continueing, or appearing something new.            The research results that : (i) the continueing items such as ; communal open space, lay out and shape of north and south pavilliuns, single/main gate and steps of Bale Delod, (iii) changing item such as ; position of house hold shrine, comunal open space measurement, the number of building setting, the traditional fence,  material and construction of the building (semi fix to fixed) and (iii) something new such as : additional of werehouse, a garage, a working area and bath room.


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How to Cite
Adiputra, I.T. 2016. MIGRANTS’ HOUSING FROM DESA ADAT PENGOTAN ON THEIR NEW DWELLING PLACE AT SOME REGENCIES ARROUND BALI PROVINCE. Jurnal Anala. 4, 1 (Jul. 2016). DOI:https://doi.org/10.46650/anala.4.1.204.%p.