• I Wayan Ariawan DAD Property
  • I Ketut Adhimastra Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Dwijendra
  • Anak Agung Ayu Sri Ratih Yulianasari Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: developments, centers, creative industries, contemporary architecture


Structural development in the economy is not only about the use of natural resources but has now spread to the use of human resources. In the 1990s the internet entered Indonesia  and until now in 2024, the internet has changed a lot in the way people communicate, even changing the  way  people  trade  and  work.  Countries  in  the  world  are  competing  to  dominate  international markets by developing technology and developing human resources. Under the leadership of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia is targeted to become a developed country in 2045. To support the ideals of the Indonesian state, human resources need to  be prepared and trained  to  compete  with  countries  in  the  world.  Indonesia  needs  to  develop  a  creative  industry sector  that  utilizes  skills,  creativity  and  talent.  The  creative  industry  has  a  positive  impact  on cultural, social and educational preservation. Preparations need to be planned from the village level to the national level. Every region in Indonesia needs to have a creative industry center to support and  stimulate  the  creativity  of  the  country's  creative  children.  This  research  will  plan  a  creative industry  center  in  Badung  Regency,  Bali  Province.  Badung  Regency  is  the  district  that  has  the highest  tourism  visits.  According  to  the  creative  economy  agency,  in  2021  there  are  17 creative industry sub-sectors. Of the 17 existing sub-sectors, the creative center will facilitate 4 sub-sectors starting from applications, visual communication design, photography and advertising which will be planned  to  create  an  ecosystem  that  will  collaborate  with  MSMEs.  is  in  Badung  Regency.  The creative  center  will be planned with  the aim  of  being  a  gathering  place  for  startup  players,  as  a place for education and recreation. The creative center in Badung Regency is planned in the form of  a  building  which  will  be  planned  to  facilitate  the  activities  of  4  subsectors  and  MSMEs.  The creative  center  building  needs  to  be  designed  to  be  more  developed  in  line  with  current  design developments.  The  contemporary  design  concept  is  a  concept  that  will  be  applied  to  creative industrial  building  planning  because  contemporary  design  is  an  architectural  style  that  has developed according to the times


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How to Cite
I Wayan Ariawan, I Ketut Adhimastra and Anak Agung Ayu Sri Ratih Yulianasari 2024. PERENCANAAN DAN PERANCANGAN PUSAT INDUSTRI KREATIF DI KABUPATEN BADUNG DENGAN PENDEKATAN DESAIN KONTEMPORER . Jurnal Anala. 12, 2 (Sep. 2024), 20-27. DOI: