• Moh Agus Sutiarso Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali Internasional, Denpasar


Pelaga Village in the Badung Regency Spatial Plan for 2013-2033 and the Tourism Development Master Plan for 2017-2025 is directed as an agro-tourism and ecotourism destination. This village has local resources for support agro-tourism development. But the fact is not utilized the potential optimally. The Agropark concept offered in this study is expected to be an agro-tourism management model that provides benefits to all parties involved. This study aims to mapping aspects of Agropark development and determine the criteria for developing Pelaga village as an Agropark destination in Badung Regency. The development criteria obtained in this study consisted of ten aspects, including: aspects of attraction, types of agricultural commodities, facilities, cooperation, attitudes and friendliness of the people, transportation and accessibility, infrastructure, disaster resilience, agro products, and other tourism objects. The ten aspects have different criteria.Keywords: Agropark; Development Criteria; Pelaga Village


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